Top 10 Trendiest Kitchen Tile Options To Remodel Your Cook Space

In between choosing new appliances, new fixtures, a fresh layout, statement backsplashes, and a coordinating color scheme, there are a lot of others to consider when planning for sprucing up or redesigning a kitchen. There are floor materials, there are tiles, there are selections for cabinetry upgrade, space arrangement, and hundred more things to check while remodeling your kitchen. But here, we will specially be focusing on the most fun part of kitchen redesigning, i.e. Choosing Right Kitchen Tile Material!

Don’t know where to begin with? Let us help you learn more about kitchen tile options and make the best choice to coordinate with your existing kitchen interior!

Choosing the right kind of kitchen flooring is a whole different procedure than purchasing floor materials for other parts of your home. The floor tiles you are buying should not only make your kitchen look great, but it must also withstand the inflexibilities of everyday use and ever-present intimidation of wetness, moisture, humidity, and wateriness. Plus, the tile can be coordinating or contrasting with the existing décor and interior of your kitchen, including its countertops, interior wall colors, cupboards, backsplashes design, existing furnishings, etc.

So, Where Should You Start Your Search?

Practically speaking, before planning your kitchen remodel project, you should narrow down your search by shortlisting the best and trendiest tile choices available for kitchen floors. Though tile isn’t the only option you have for kitchen floors, it’s surely one of the best, most durable, affordable, – and, not to mention, the most beneficial choices you have for your kitchen. Below is a quick description of top tile material options available for the kitchen flooring which will help you find the best pick for your cook space.

But before that, let’s find out the advantages of tile materials for kitchen floors and how they can benefit you in the long-term.

Kitchen Tile Materials’ Benefits To Note Down

  • Tile is extremely durable and resilient when it comes to withstanding heavy foot traffic, exposure to water, oil, staining, and wear and tear. Tile is just the perfect choice for the high traffic areas like the kitchen.
  • Tiles come with a high standard of strengths and robustness. Plus, they cheap, attractive, versatile, and easy to install that could make any kitchen space – whether classic or contemporary – look absolutely great.
  • Because tiles are so heavy-duty, they don’t need much maintenance and upkeep. All you need to do is to clean or wipe or vacuum the floor at regular intervals, just like other surfaces of your home. Also, in 4-5 years; you need to apply a sealant on your tile to make it last longer.
  • Tiles are very cost-effective. They are one of the cheapest options you can have for kitchen flooring. Apart from their little initial set up and installation cost, tiles – regarding their longevity, durability, and strength – are worth every penny.
  • Kitchen tiles are usually made of raw, organic materials like sand, glass, and clay; which make them completely eco-friendly and non-toxic. Installing tiles in your kitchen can improve your environment as well.

A Quick Kitchen Floor Tiles Buying Guide – Detailing Tile Types

Marble Tile Kitchen Flooring:

Marble is one of the most popular and elegant kitchen flooring materials. All-natural, marble tiles are made from stone slabs and are available in a wide variety of colors, patterns, and finishes. It is recyclable, ensures complete eco-friendliness, and easy on the pocket.

Ceramic Kitchen Floor Tile:

Ceramic is highly recommended for high-traffic areas of your home. It creates durable, elegant-looking flooring in your cook space with its versatile design options. Plus, it is also highly resistant to dirt, pollen, dust, and any other allergens.

Porcelain Kitchen Floor Tile:

Porcelain tiles are characterized by their strength, durability, resilience, and high resistant nature to water and stains in the kitchen. Its inherent versatility ensures greater designing flexibility for kitchen remodelers. Plus, it is also low on maintenance.

Travertine Kitchen Floor Tile:

Available in a wide range of luxurious sizes and finishes; Travertine tiles are one of the trendiest kitchen flooring choices. Being an eye-catching form of limestone; Travertine’s leathery and marble-like texture alongside gorgeous earth-tone colors makes it a popular choice for kitchen flooring.

Slate Tile Kitchen Flooring:

Natural slate tiles add a unique touch of beauty, attractiveness, durability, and awe-inspiring essence to your kitchen floors. Slate’s inherent durability makes it highly resistant to heavy foot-traffic, cracks, breaks, scratches, and chips. It is available in a varying range of textures, patterns, colors, and appearances.

Cement Tile Kitchen Flooring:

Cement-based tiles are undeniably one of the strongest materials for kitchen flooring. They can withstand heavy foot traffic and wear and tear better than other tiles materials. Plus, they are easy to clean, maintain, have multi-purpose applications.

Granite Kitchen Floor Tile:

Polished Granite Tiles add a rich texture and refined look to any Kitchen Flooring. Granite tiles are very robust and dense and highly resistant to damages, cracks, or signs of wear. Plus, there is a wide range of unique colors, textures, designs, and patterns available.

Onyx Kitchen Floor Tile:

Stylish, all-natural floor tiles for kitchen – Onyx is acknowledged for its exclusive appearance, natural bands of patterns and colors, and transparency. It can add elite and inimitable visual appeal to your kitchen that no other material can do.

Quartzite Kitchen Floor Tile:

Elegant appearance, tremendous durability, unique and luxurious textures, and numerous colors make Quartzite a great choice for contemporary kitchens. Plus, Quartzite’s natural appearance makes it an excellent alternative to marble floors.

Sandstone Kitchen Floor Tile:

Stone layouts of Sandstone Tiles are an exceptional way to enhance your kitchen’s interior aesthetics and improving its classiness, vibrancy, functionality, and style. Plus the pricing of the sandstone tiles is so pocket-friendly sure that you don’t have to compromise with your kitchen designing dreams.

So, concluding, these are the top 10 trendiest kitchen floor tile choices available in the current market. Of course, there are few other options; but these ten will deliver you the best value of your investment and add more elegance and functionality to your kitchen.